יום שבת, 2 במאי 2015


1. Genesis (Hebrew/T. Onkelos) - written by Mosheh via Divinity
2. Exodus (Hebrew/T. Onkelos) - written by Mosheh via Divinity
3. Leviticus (Hebrew/T. Onkelos) - written by Mosheh via Divinity
4. Numbers (Hebrew/T. Onkelos) - written by Mosheh via Divinity
5. Deuteronomy (Hebrew/T. Onkelos) - written by Mosheh via Divinity
6. Job (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Mosheh
7. Joshua (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by Yeshoshuah Bin-Nun
8. Judges (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by Shmuel Ha'Roeh
9. Ruth (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Shmuel Ha'Roeh
10. 1-2 Samuel (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by Shmuel Ha'Roeh, Nathan Ha'Navi & Gad Ha'Khozeh
11. 1-2 Kings (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by Nathan Ha'Navi, Abijah, Shemaiah Ha'Navi, Iddo Ha'Khozeh, Yehu & Irmiyah
12. Psalms (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by David, Yeduthun, 3 Sons of Korah, Asaph, Nathan Ha'Navi, Heiman Ha'Ezrachi, Mosheh, Shmuel Ha'Roeh, Ishayah, Hizkiyahu Scribes, The Assembly of 120, Irmiyah, Zechariah ben Berachiah & Haggai
13. Proverbs (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Shlomoh & Hizkiyahu Scribes
14. Ecclesiastes (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Shlomoh
15. Song of Songs (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Shlomoh
16. Wisdom (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Hizkiyahu Scribes
17. Isaiah (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by Ishayah (1-39) & Hizkiyahu Scribes (40-66)
18. Jeremiah & Epistle of Jeremiah (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by Baruch & Irmiyah
19. Lamentations (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Irmiyah
20. 1-3 Baruch (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Baruch
21. Ezekiel (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - written by The Assembly of 120
22. Daniel (incl. Prayer of Azariah and The Song of The Three Holy Children, Sussanah & The Bel and The Dragon) (Hebrew, Aramaic & Peshitta) - written by The Assembly of 120
23. Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Havakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) (Hebrew/T. Jonathan) - witten by Hoshea ben Be'eri (1), Hizkiyahu Scribes (2, 4-6), Amos of Tekoa (3), The Assembly of 120 (7-9), Haggai (10), Zechariah ben Berachiah (11) & Ezra (12)
24. 1-2 Chronicles (Hebrew/T. Peshitta) - written by Ezra and Five Scribes
25. Jubilees (Hebrew) - written by Mosheh (re-written by Ezra and Five Scribes)
26. Enoch (Aramaic) - written by Mosheh (re-written by Ezra and Five Scribes)
27. Ezra and Nehemiah, 1Esdras Chapters 3-5:6 & 2 Ezra (Hebrew) & Vision of Ezra (Peshitta) -  - written by Ezra & Zerubbabel
28. Tobit (Peshitta) - written by 70 Scribes of Second Temple
29. Judith (Peshitta) - written by 70 Scribes of Second Temple
30. Esther (with Additions) (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Mordechai
31. 1-3 Maqabyan (Hebrew) - written by 70 Scribes of Second Temple
32. 1-4 Hasmoneans (Peshitta) - written by 70 Scribes of Second Temple
33. Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Yehoshua ben Sira
34. Damascus Covenant (Hebrew) - written by 70 Scribes of Second Temple
35. Dead-Sea Scroll Psalms (Hebrew), Apocryphal Psalms 151-155, Odes & Psalms of Solomon (Peshitta) - written by David & Shlomoh
36. Protevangelium (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by James the Just
37. Gospel of Pseudo-Mathew (Hebrew) - written by Matthew
38. Gospel of The Nativity of Mary (Hebrew) - written by Matthew
39. Infancy Gospel (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Thomas
40. Life & Nativity of John The Baptist (Hebrew) - written by Serapion
41. The History of Joseph the Carpenter (Hebrew) - written by Twelve Apostles
42. Gospel of Matthew (Re-constructed Du-Tillet & Munster Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Matthew via Holy Spirit
43. Gospel of Mark (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Mark via Holy Spirit
44. Gospel of Luke (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Luke via Holy Spirit
45. Gospel of John (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by John via Holy Spirit
46. Gospel of Nicodemus (incl. fragment of Gospel of Peter) (Hebrew) - written by Nicodemus, Pilate and Simeon-Peter Cephas
47. The Narrrative of Joseph of Arimathea (Hebrew) - written by Joseph of Arimathea
48. Secret Sayings of Our Lord (Hebrew) - written by Thomas
49. The Avenging of The Saviour (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
50. Acts of The Apostles (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Luke
51. The History of John, The Son of Zebedee (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Nazarenes
52. The History of Mar Mathew and Mar Andrew (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Nazarenes
53. Acts of Thomas (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Thomas
54. Acts and Martyrdom of Bartholomew (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
55. Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
56. Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
57. Acts and Passion of Peter and Paul (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
58. 1-14 Epistles of Paul (1-2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans, 1-2 Timothey, Titus, Philemon & Hebrews - Re-constructed Munster Hebrew) (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Paul, Sosthenes, Timotheus & Silvanus
59. Epistle of James (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by James the Just
60. 1-2 Epistle of Peter (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Simeon-Peter Cephas
61. 1-3 Epistles of John (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by John
62. Epistle of Jude (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Judas Zelotes
63. 1-2 Epistles of Clement to Corinthians (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Clement
64. Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus (Hebrew) - written by Mathetes
65. Epistle of Polycarp to Philippians and Martyrdom of Polycarp (Hebrew) - written by Polycarp & Nazarenes
66. 1-13 Epistles of Ignatius and Martyrdom of Ignatius (Hebrew & Aramaic) - written by Ignatius & Nazarenes
67. Epistula Apostolorum (Hebrew) - written by John, Thomas, Simeon-Peter Cephas, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Nathanael & Judas Zelotes
68. Didache (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Twelve Apostles
69. Bar-Naba (Hebrew) - written by Bar-Naba
70. Shepherd of Hermas (Hebrew) - written by Hermas
71. Testamentum Domini (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Thomas, Matthew, John & Clement
72. Teaching of The Apostles (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by John, Thomas, Simeon-Peter Cephas, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Nathanael & Judas Zelotes
73. Teaching of Simeon-Kefa in The City of Rome (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Simeon-Peter Cephas
74. Teaching of Addai The Apostle (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Addai The Apostle
75. Didascalia Apostolorum (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Twelve Apostles & Paul
76. 1-8 Apostolic Constitutions & Ecclesiastical Canons (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Twelve Apostles, Paul & Clement
77. 1 Apostolic Church Canons: Sirate Tsion (The Book of Order or the Order of Zion) - 30 canons (Hebrew) - written by James, Simeon-Peter Cephas, John & Clement
78. 2 Apostolic Church Canons: 2. Tizaz (The Book of Herald or Commandments) - 71 canons  (Hebrew) - written by James, Simeon-Peter Cephas, John & Clement
79. 3 Apostolic Church Canons: Gitsew - 56 canons (Hebrew) - written by James, Simeon-Peter Cephas, John & Clement
80. 4 Apostolic Church Canons: Abtilis - 81 canons (Hebrew) - written by James, Simeon-Peter Cephas, John & Clement
81. I Book of Dominos (I Book of the Covenant) (Hebrew) - written by Twelve Apostles
82. II Book of Dominos (II Book of the Covenant) (Hebrew) - written by Twelve Apostles
83. The Book of Clement (Hebrew) - written by Clement
84. The Book of Justin The Martyr (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
85. The Book of Irenaeus (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
86. The Teaching of Silvanus (Hebrew) - written by Silvanus
87. Book of The Bee (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Ephraim the Syrian
88. Book of The Cave of Treasures (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Ephraim the Syrian
89. Diatessaron (Gospel of Matthew; fragments of Gospel of Hebrews & Gospel of Nazarenes; fragments of Gospel of Mark; fragments from Freer Logion, Gospel of Ebionites, Secret Gospel of Mark & Vision of Peter; fragments of Gospel of Luke; quotes from Agrapha; Gospel of John; Acts 1; Gospel quotes from 'Didascalia' & 'Apostolic Constitutions';) (Hebrew & Aramaic) - written by Nazarenes
90. The Divine Liturgy of James the Just (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by James the Just
91. The Divine Liturgy of Saint Mark (Hebrew) - written by Mark
92. The Divine Liturgy of The Blessed Apostles (Hebrew) - written by Nazarenes
93. The Divine Liturgy of The Assyrian Church of The East, The Holy Kurbana & The Nicene and The Apostles' Creed (S. Aramaic) - written by Nazarenes
94. The Liturgical Homilies of Theodore of Mopsuestia (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Theodore of Mopsuestia
95. The Liturgical Homilies of Mar Narsai (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Mar Narsai
96. Vision of Paul (Hebrew/S. Aramaic) - written by Paul
97. Book of Revelation (Hebrew/Peshitta) - written by Saint John the Divine via Jesus Christ
98. Nazarene Acts of The Apostles/Epitomes (Homilies & Recognitions of Clement) (Hebrew)
99. Book of Papias (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
100. Book of Tatian (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
101. Book of Theophilus of Antioch (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
102. Book of Athenagoras of Athens (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
103. Book of Clement of Alexandria (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
104. Book of Tertullian (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
105. Book of Minucius Felix (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
106. Book of Commodian (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
107. Book of Origen and Commentaries (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
108. Book of Hyppolytus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
109. Book of Cyprian (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
110. Book of Caius (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
111. Book of Novatian (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
112. Book of Gregory Thaumaturgus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
113. Book of Dionysius The Great (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
114. Book of Sextus Julius Africanus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
115. Book of Anatolius and Minor Writers (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
116. Book of Mathodius of Olympus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
117. Book of Arnobius (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
118. Book of Lactantius (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
119. Book of Venantius (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
120. Book of Asterius (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
121. Book of Victorinus of Pettau (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
122. Book of Dionysius of Corinth (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
123. Remain of the First Ages (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
124. The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
125. The Narrative of Zosimus, Concerning the Life of the Blessed (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
126. The Apology of Aristides (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
127. The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew);
128. Commentaries of Origen (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
129. Excerpts from Theodotus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
130. Pseudo-Clementine Literature (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
131. The Decretals (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
132. Excerpts from Theodotus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) (Hebrew)
133. Book of Dionysius The Areopagite (Hebrew)
134. Book of Jerome (Hebrew)
135. Book of Cyril of Jerusalem (Hebrew)
136. Book of The Rolls by Clement (Hebrew)
137. 2 Shepherd of Hermas (Commands) (Hebrew)
138. 3 Shepherd of Hermas (Similitudes) (Hebrew)
139. Book Relating to the Earliest Establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the Neighbouring Countries (S. Aramaic)
140. A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa (S. Aramaic)
141. Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle (S. Aramaic)
142. Acts of Sharbil, Who Was a Priest of Idols, and Was Converted to the Confession of  Christianity in Christ (S. Aramaic)
143. Further, the Martyrdom of Barsamya, the Bishop of the Blessed City Edessa (S. Aramaic)
144. Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon (S. Aramaic)
145. Martyrdom Of the Holy Confessors Shamuna, Guria, and Habib, from Simeon Metaphrastes (S. Aramaic)
146. History of Armenia. Moses of Chorene (S. Aramaic)
147. A Homily on Habib the Martyr, Composed by Mar Jacob (S. Aramaic)
148. A Homily on Guria and Shamuna, Composed by Mar Jacob (S. Aramaic)
149. Bardesan, the Book of the Laws of Divers Countries (S. Aramaic)
150. A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion (S. Aramaic)
151. Ambrose (S. Aramaic)
152. Book of Ephraim The Syrian (S. Aramaic)
153. Sayings of the Desert Fathers (S. Aramaic)
154. The Sentences of The Syriac Menander (S. Aramaic)
155. Sermon of Pseudo-Ephrem on The End of The World  (S. Aramaic)
156. On the Last Times, the Anti-Christ, and the End of the World A Sermon by Pseudo-Ephraem and Isidor of Sevilla (S. Aramaic)
157. The Syriac Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius (S. Aramaic)
158. The Book of Generations of Adam (Hebrew);
159. 1-2 Book of Adam and Eve,  The Slavonic Legend How God Created Adam & The Apocalypse of Adam (Hebrew)
160. The History of Cain and Abel (Hebrew)
161. The Book of Seth (Concerning The Good Tidings & Adam's Words to Seth) (Hebrew)
162. 1-2 Enoch, The Account of Enoch The Prophet & The Armenian Vision of Enoch The Just (Hebrew)
163. The Book of Noah & Story about The Flood (Hebrew)
164. Testament & The Apocalypse of Abraham (Hebrew)
165. The Book of Creation (Hebrew)
166. Sroty about Melchi-zedek (incl. fragments from 'The Coming of Melchi-zedek') (Hebrew)
167. Testament of Job (Aramaic)
168. Testament of Isaac (Hebrew)
169. The Ladder of Jacob & The Words of Uriel to Jacob (Hebrew)
170. Testament of The Twelve Patriarchs (Hebrew)
171. Joseph and Aseneth (S. Aramaic)
172. The Chronicles of Moses Our Teacher (incl. The Slavonic Life of The Holy Prophet Moses, Words of Moses, The Book of Moses and The Magicians & Jannes and Jambres) (Hebrew)
173. Asatis/Secrets of Moses in Samaritan & Marqah (Hebrew & Aramaic)
174. The Revelation of Moses (Hebrew)
175. The Book of The Ancients (Book of Adam, Book of Abraham, Book of Moses, Tales of The Patriarchs & The Two Sorrows of The Kingdom of Heaven;) (Hebrew)
176. The Temple Scroll (Hebrew)
177. The War Scroll (Hebrew)
178. The Shapira Manuscript (Hebrew)
179. The Book of Jasher (Hebrew)
180. Missaticum Biblia (Hebrew)
181. Life of The Prophets (Hebrew)
182. Story about King David (Hebrew)
183. The Words of Gad The Seer (Hebrew)
184. Testament of Solomon (Aramaic), Story and Judgments of Solomon & The Questions of The Queen of Sheba (Hebrew)
185. The Book of Elijah (incl. The Book of The Order & Vision of Elijah) (Hebrew)
186. The Martyrdom and Ascention of Isaiah (Hebrew)
187. The Apocalypse of Zephaniah (Hebrew)
188. Apocryphon of Jeremiah (Hebrew)
189. A Prophecy of Baruch (Hebrew)
190. Apocryphon of Ezekiel (Hebrew)
191. The Apocalypse of Daniel, The Seventh & Fourteenth Vision of Daniel (Hebrew)
192. The Vision of Sedrach (Hebrew)
193. The Book & Vision of Zerobabel (Hebrew)
194. Community Rule/Discipline Manual (Hebrew)
195. Qumran Chronicles (Hebrew)
196. The Letter of Aristeas (Hebrew)
197. Josephus (Peshitta)
198. The Book of Josephas ben Bengorion (Hebrew)
199. Syriac Infancy Gospel (S. Aramaic)
200. Arabic Infancy Gospel (Hebrew)
201. 1-2 Latin Infancy Gospel (Hebrew)
202. The Book concerning The Star; Showing how and through what The Magi recognized The Star, and that Joseph did not take Mary as his wife (Hebrew)
203. Gospel of Bartholomew (The Book of Ressurection & Questions of Bartholomew) (Hebrew)
204. Gospel of Philip (Hebrew)
205. Gospel of Truth (Hebrew)
206. Gospel of Thaddaeus (Hebrew)
207. Acts of Pilate (Second Greek Form & Latin Form) (Hebrew)
208. The Descent of Christ in Hell (First & Second Latin Form) (Hebrew)
209. The Report, The Giving Up & Death of Pilatus (Hebrew)
210. Gospel of Gamaliel (Hebrew)
211. The Apocryphon & Ascents of James (Hebrew)
212. The Apocryphon of John & Interrogatio Johannis (Hebrew)
213. The Letter from Heaven (Hebrew)
214. The Tidings of Ressurection (Hebrew)
215. The Life of Mary Magdalene (Hebrew)
216. A Word about The Repose of John: Our Holy Lady The Virgin and Our Maid Maria & The Account of Saint John The Theologian of The Falling Asleep of The Holy Mother of God (Hebrew)
217. Pistis Sophia (Hebrew)
218. Wisdom & Dialogue of The Saviour (Aramaic)
219. The Assumption of Mary (Hebrew)
220. The Homily of Adam in Hades to Lazarus (Hebrew)
221. The Word of The Descent into Hell by John The Baptist (Hebrew)
222. New Testament Paralipoménōn & Agrapha: quotes from Gospel of Hebrews, Gospel of Nazarenes, Gospel of Ebionites, Freer Logion, The Secret Gospel of Mark, The Beheading of John, The Dialogue of the Paralytic With Christ, The History of the Thirty Pieces of Silver, The Death Sentence of Christ, Akhmim Codex, The Letter of Jesus and Abgarus, Preaching of Peter, Judaikon, Sahidic Fragments, Unknown Gospels I & II, The Papyrii Library of Oxyrhynchus, The Gospel of Mani, The Preaching of Peter, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, Acts of Andrew & Matthias, Acts of Andrew, Acts of John, Acts of Peter, Acts of Thaddeus, Acts of Philip, Anaphora Pilatae, Clement of Alexandria, Clementine Homilies, Dialogue of Justin with Trypho, Egerton Gospel, Epistle of Abgar, Ignatius of Antioch to the Ephesians, Papyrus Oxyrynchus, Lentulus to Tiberius, Quote by Epiphanius, Heresies 30.3/30:13, Quote by Jerome, Against Pelagians 3, Quote by Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah 4, Severus, Syriac Baptismal Liturgy, Papyrus Berolinensis 11710, Quote by Didymus, Commentary on Psalm 184 regarding Psalm 33;  Quote By Pseudo-Cyprian, On The Unbelief Of The Jews 4; Quote by Jerome, On Matthew 2, Regarding Matthew 12:13; Quote by Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 1, Regarding Matthew 6:11; GNaz 3b, Quote by Jerome, Tractate on Psalm 135; Quote from Origen, On Prayer, 2:2; Cursive Ms 1424 (Quote following Matt 7:5); John 6:56 in Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, Clement of Alexandria Miscellanies, Stromata & Excerpts from Theodotus 2.2, GNaz 5, Quote by Jerome, Against Pelagians 3.2b, GTh 38,53,59,108/38 POxy 655; OSol 30; The Heavenly Dialogue, Quote by Origen, Against Celsus 8.15; Epistle of Ignatius to Smyreans 3; Gospel Fragment in Coptic, Quote by Hippolytus, Philosophumena 5.7.20/5.3, The Traditions of Matthias, Saying of the Saviour, Apelles quotes Epiphanius, Tertullian, On Baptism, chapter 20, Apostolic Church Order 26, Actus Vercellenses, Origen, Luke 6:4, variant reading from Codex D, Inscription on a mosque in India, Ephraem, Berlin papyrus 11710, Fayyum Fragment, Ignatius to the Smyrnians, 1-8 Logion, In Codex D of Luke, vi, 4:, Gospel of Eve, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Hippolytus - Commentary on Daniel 4.60, Origen, On Matthew 15.14, Origen, Didymus, commentary on Psalm 88.8, Eusebius - Theophany 4.12, Epiphanius, Panarion 66.42, Jerome, On Ephesians 3, Augustine, Macarius, Homilies 12.17, The Preaching of Peter, Epistles of Pontius Pilate, Quote by Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 4, John 19:26-30 in Codex Evangelii Johannei Templariorum; Epistle to Hedibia, Mark 16:14, Freer Logion-Codex Washingtonianus; Epiphanius, Excerpts of Theodotus 67; Epiphanius, Heresies; Quote by Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel 16.52; Macarius Magnes, Apocritica 4.6.16; Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History; Macarius Magnes, Apocritica 4.7;) (Aramaic & Hebrew)
223. Acts of John acc. to Prochorus, Coptic Acts and Death of John (Hebrew)
224. Acts of Thaddaeus (Hebrew)
225. Acts of Philip/Acts of Philip in Hellas (Hebrew)
226. Acts of Philip and Bartholomew (Hebrew)
227. Acts of Mathew and Andrew/Acts of Peter and Andrew (Hebrew)
228. Consummation of Thomas (Hebrew)
229. Acts of Peter/The Preaching of Peter (Hebrew)
230. Acts of Peter and The Twelve Apostles (Hebrew)
231. Acts of Paul/Chapter 29 of Acts of The Apostles/3d Epistle of Paul to Corinthians (Hebrew)
232. Acts of Barnabas (Hebrew)
233. The Life of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark (Hebrew)
234. Acts of Paul and Thecla (S. Aramaic)
235. The Letter of Peter to Philip (Hebrew)
236. The Letter of Peter to James (Hebrew)
237. The Letter of Clement to James (Hebrew)
238. 1-2 Epistles of Clement to Virgins (Hebrew)
239. Epistle of Jeu (Hebrew)
240. 1-7 Epistles of Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite (Hebrew)
241. Epistle of Titus on the Estate of Chastity (Hebrew)
242. The Letter of Jesus and Abgarus (Hebrew)
243. The Letter/Testimonies of Pontius-Pilatus (Hebrew)
244.  Letter of Pilates' Wife, Claudia Procula, to Her Friend, Fulvia Romelia on The Last Events in Jesus Christ’s Life (Hebrew)
245. The Letter from An Essene in Jerusalem to His Brethren in Alexandria (Hebrew)
246. The Report of Caiphas (Hebrew)
247. The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (Hebrew)
248. The Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great (Hebrew)
249. The Divine Liturgy of Saint Cyril (Hebrew)
250. The Divine Liturgy of Saint Gregory (Hebrew)
251. Sancta Missa [1) The Holy Sacraments; 2) The Sacrament of Baptism; 3) The Sacrament of Confirmation; 4) Holy Eucharist; 5) Penance; 6) Anointing of the Sick; 7) Matrimony; 8) Holy Orders: Priesthood; 9) The Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany of the Saints; 10) Liturgy for the Faithful Departed; 11) Blessings and other sacramentals, introduction and general rules; 12) Processions; 13) Exorcism; 14) Litanies; 15) Blessings formerly reserved to religious orders; 16) Appendix;] (Hebrew)
252. Book of Prayer (Church Services/Sacraments: Holy Baptism, Holy Matrimony, Holy Communion, Ordinations & Elevations/Memorials and Funerals/Service Texts for Pascha and the Twelve Great Feasts (September 8: Nativity of the Theotokos; September 14: Exaltation (Elevation) of the Holy Cross; November 21: Entrance of the Theotokos; December 25: Nativity of Christ (Christmas); January 6: Theophany (Epiphany) of Christ; February 2: Presentation (Meeting) of Christ; March 25: Annunciation to the Theotokos; Lazarus Saturday; Palm Sunday; Great and Holy Pascha; 50 Days after Pascha: Feast of Pentecost; 40 Days After Pascha: Ascension of Christ; Day after Pentecost: Monday of the Holy Spirit; August 6: Transfiguration of Christ; August 15: Dormition of the Theotokos) (Hebrew)
253. The Agpeya (Hebrew)
254. Angels and Demons (Hebrew)
255. The Sybillines Oracles (Hebrew)
256. 1-2 The Apocalypse of Peter (Hebrew)
257. The Apocalypse of John (Hebrew)
258. The Apocalypse of Thomas (Hebrew)
259. The Apocalypse of The Holy Mother of God (Hebrew)
260. The Apocalypse of The Virgin (Hebrew)
261. The Vision of Theophilus (Hebrew)
262. The Apocalypse of Norea (Hebrew)
263. The Revelation of Stephen (Hebrew)
264. Mishna (Hebrew)
265. Mekhilta, Sifra & Sifre (Hebrew)
266. Book of Zohar (Aramaic & Hebrew)
267. Book of Bahir (Hebrew)
268. Pirkei Heichalot (Hebrew)
269. Book of Secrets/Sefer Ha'Razim (Hebrew)
270. Book of Wonder/Sefer Ha'Pliah (Hebrew)
271. Book of Jealousy/Sefer Ha'Kanah (Hebrew)
272. Book of Fountain of Wisdom/Sefer Maqeyan Khokhmah (Hebrew)
273. Midrash of Simeon The Just (Hebrew)
274. Theological books such as the following (Hebrew)
- Haymanote Abew or the Faith of the Fathers in which other writings of the Apostolic Fathers and also of the Eastern Orthodox Church fathers are to be found.
- Works of St. Cyril and many other writers.
- The exegesis of the letter to the Hebrews by St. John Chrysostom.
- The pastoral work of St. John Chrysostom.
- Severious of Asmunage – a collection of twelve exegetical works, which prove the teaching concerning God.
- A book that proves the existence of God Hilawae – Melekote
- The book of Hawi, which proves the teaching concerning God.
- Book of the mystery by Abba Georgis containing arguments and evidence about the mysteries.
- Religious documentary book by Jacob of Elbaredia.
- The true faith (written during the reign of Zera Yacob)
- The five pillars of the Sacraments (as Catechism).
275. Books that have the orders of the church (Hebrew)
- The liturgical book with the 14 Anaphora
- Ghitsacwa –Lectionaries or a list of annual reading of the scriptures during the liturgical service and other prayer hours.
- The book of the Sacrament of Matrimony (Metsehafe Teklil)
- The book of Baptism
- The book of Ordination
- The book of Covenant
- The prayer book for the dead
- The prayer book of the Incense
- The book of Canon
- The prayer book of purification
276. Books on Church administration and on counseling (Hebrew)
- A big book on the Synod of the Apostles in four parts
- The Didache and Abthulis
- The book on the Synod of Nicea
- The book on the Synod of Galatia
- The book on the Synod of Antioch
- The book on the Synod of Lethokia
- The book on the Synod of Kerthica
- The book on the Synod of Esrskousia
- The book on the Synod of Srethia
- The book of Fetha Negast
- Spiritual Medicine (Fewse Menfsawi)
- Exegesis on the meeting of clergy (Tikbe Kahenat)
277. Sacred books (Hebrew)
Most of these books are written in sections or parts for bindings, these are
- The old & The New Testaments
- The Books of the scholars of the Church
- Metsehafe Menequsat (book of the Monks)
278. Hymn books, mostly by St. Yared (Hebrew)
- Digua
- Thesome Digua
- Mieraf
- Zimare
- Mewasiet
- Zik
- Mezmur
- Liturgy (Kedasie)
- Saatat (of ABBA Giorgis)
279. Books on Calendar (Hebrew)
- Book of Abushakir
- Sid, the Son of Batrik
- Mark son of Kenbar
- Leader of Blind – by Demetros
- Mathematics concerning calendar by the Monastery of Bizen
280. Historical Books (Hebrew)
- First writing on Zion
- Biography (Gedle) of Lalibela
- History of the Kings of Axum
- History of the Kings of Zagwe
- On the treasure of the kings
- On the honor of the Kings
- Tefut
- Biography (Gedle) of Tekla Haimanot
- George the son of Amid
- History of Alexander
- Works of the brothers – Part II
- Books on preaching
281. Compositions (works) on the virgins (celibates) (Hebrew)
- Writings (compositions) on the woman who anointed Jesus
- Compositions (writings) on the Samaritan woman
- Writings on the birth of Christ
- Writings on Epiphany
- Writings on the Resurrection etc.
282. Writings that describe the biography of the martyrs (Hebrew)
Biography and works of St. George
“ “ “ St. Kopnious
“ “ “ St. Irenaeus
“ “ “ St. Gelwdewos
“ “ “ Forty soldiers of Heaven
283. Different philosophical books (Hebrew)
- Wogris the Wise (philosopher)
- Angare Felasfa (collections from philosophers)
- Thoughts and commentary of Zera Yacob of Axum
284. Books on the tradition and culture of the country (Hebrew)
- On old age and adolescence
- Customs and traditions of Ethiopia
285. Books on nature and science (Hebrew)
- Books on nature and science Part II and I
- Aximaros
- Phisalgos on animals and others
286. Books, which show writings of compositions (Hebrew)
- The composition or writing of one of the criminals (outlaws), who was hanged with Jesus
- On the Miracles of St. Mary and many other apocryphal books are to be found.
287. Genesis (T. Peshitta/T. Yerushalmi)
288. Exodus (T. Peshitta/T. Yerushalmi)
289. Leviticus (T. Peshitta/T. Yerushalmi)
290. Numbers (T. Peshitta/T. Yerushalmi)
291. Deuteronomy (T. Peshitta/T. Yerushalmi)
292. Joshua (T. Peshitta)
293. Judges (T. Peshitta)
294. 1-2 Samuel (T. Peshitta)
295. 1-2 Kings (T. Peshitta)
296. Isaiah (T. Peshitta)
297. Jeremiah (T. Peshitta)
298. Ezekiel (T. Peshitta)
299. Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Havakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) (T. Peshitta)
300. Psalms (T. Yerushalmi)
301. Proverbs (T. Yerushalmi)
302. Job (T. Yerushalmi)
303. Song of Songs (T. Yerushalmi)
304. Ruth (T. Yerushalmi)
305. Lamentations (T. Yerushalmi)
306. Ecclesiastes (T. Yerushalmi)
307. Esther (T. Yerushalmi)
308. Daniel (T. Peshitta)
309. Ezra and Nehemiah (T. Peshitta)
310. 1-2 Chronicles (T. Yerushalmi)
311. 1-5 Chronicles of Jesus Christ (Syriac Infancy Gospel, Gospel of Pseudo-Mathew, The Nativity of Mary, Life & Nativity of John The Baptist, The History of Joseph the Carpenter, Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John & Acts Chapter 1-2, New Testament Paralipoménōn & The Agrapha, quotes from 'Didascalia' & 'Apostolic Constitutions', Gospel of Nicodemus, Gospel of Peter, The Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea, Vision of Peter, Testamentum Domini, Epistula Apostolorum, Gospel of Thomas & Book of Dominos I & II;) (Aramaic & Hebrew)
Book 1: BEGINNING: Introduction, Birth and History of Mary, Birth and Infancy of Our LORD, History of Joseph, History of John the Baptist, Appearence of The LORD on Baptism by John, Deeds of The LORD Jesus Christ in Judea after temptation in the desert until First Passover,  Deeds of The LORD Jesus Christ in Galilee after return from Judea;
Book 2: SERVICE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST FROM THE 1ST PASOVER UNTIL THE 2ND: Events in Judea, Events on the road from Judea to Galilee, Service of The LORD in Galilee; SERVICE OF THE LORD FROM THE 2ND PASSOVER UNTIL THE 3RD: Events in Judea, Preaching and miracles of Jesus Christ in Galilee (1st Covenant on The Mountain - Mathew 5:1-7:29);
Book 3: EVENTS FROM THE 3RD PASSOVER UNTIL THE 4TH PASSOVER OF PASSION: The LORD Jesus Christ in Galilee before The Feast of Tabernacles, The LORD Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on The Feast of Tabernacles, Teaching of Jesus Christ on the way back from land of Trans-Jordan to Jerusalem;
Book 4: THE GREAT WEEK & THE DESCENT OF CHRIST IN HELL: Great Monday, Great Tuesday, Great Wednesday, Great Thursday (2nd Covenant on The Feast of Passover/The Last Supper - John 13:1-17:26), Great Friday & The Descensus;
Book 5: RESSURECTION, 40 DAYS APPEARANCE UNTIL ASCENTION OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE DESCENT OF HOLY SPIRIT ON THE APOSTLES ON PENTECOST: Morning of Ressurection, 40 Days after Ressurection and before Ascention (3rd Covenant in Galilee between 8-40 days after ressurection: John 20:26-29, 21:1-25 Mark 16:15-18, Mathew 28:16-20, 'Testamentum Domini', '1-2 Book of Dominos' & 'Epistula Apostolorum';), Ascention, Apostles annointed by The Holy Spirit on Pentecost;
312. 1-10 Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History (Hebrew)

אין תגובות:

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